
Bouguereau The Virgin with Angels painting

Bouguereau The Virgin with Angels painting
hassam Poppies Isles of Shoals painting
Dancer dance series painting
Bierstadt Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains California painting
For the rest, nothing disposes one more readily to follow passengers through the streets—especially female ones, as Gringoire had a weakness for doing—than not to know where to find a bed.
He therefore walked all pensively after the girl, who quickened her pace, making her pretty little goat trot beside her, as she saw the townsfolk going home, and the taverns —the only shops that had been open that day—preparing to close.
“After all,” he thought, “she must lodge somewhere— gipsy women are kind-hearted—who knows…?”
And he filled in the asterisks which followed this discreet break with I know not what engaging fancies.
Meanwhile, from time to time, as he passed the last groups of burghers closing their doors, he caught scraps of their conversation which broke the charmed spell of his happy imaginings.
