
Gustav Klimt Goldfish (detail)

Gustav Klimt Goldfish (detail)Salvador Dali TigerSalvador Dali The Sacrament of the Last Supper
brought you into the world, you stupid man, and you've got no more sense in you now than you had then -"
"But -" Smith tried, dodging around the anvil.
"The magic's found her! Wizard magic! Wrong magic, do you understand? It was never intended for her!"
"Yes, but -"
"Have you any idea of what it can do?"
Smith sagged. "No."
Granny "Well, you can drink lots of cider and you just feel better and that's it, isn't it?"
The smith nodded again.
"But applejack, you drink that in little mugs and you don't drink a lot and you paused, and deflated a little. "No," she repeated, more softly. "No, you wouldn't." She sat down on the anvil and tried to think calm thoughts. "Look. Magic. That doesn't matter, because - anyway, you see, wizard magic -" she looked up at his big, blank expression and tried again. "Well, you know cider?" Smith nodded. He felt he was on firmer ground here, but he wasn't certain of where it was going to lead. "And then there's the ticker. Applejack," said the witch. The smith nodded. Everyone in Bad Ass made applejack in the winter, by leaving cider tubs outside overnight and taking out the ice until a tiny core of alcohol was left.
