
Pablo Picasso Ambroise Vollard

Pablo Picasso Ambroise VollardPablo Picasso AccordionistIrene Sheri Music To My Ear
Most older comic book fans are not just interested in reading comics; they also want to learn about the medium. Over the years many comic book documentaries have been released covering everything from the heyday to the dark times and all ages in between. I’ve compiled what I feel are the ten best comic book documentaries. documentary about comics and it’s a pretty good one. Instead of looking simply at the history of comics CBU looks in depth at the influence comic books have had on movies. From the early serials to The Dark Knight this documentary has it all.
Interviews include Guillermo Del Toro, Stan Lee, Neal Adams, Ron Perlman, Mike Mignola, Paul Pope, Jim Steranko and a host of others. One of the best sections is Most of these are available either at your local video store, online or through the dark underbelly of bootlegs. Being the time of giving if any of our readers can think of one I forgot please let me know.10. Comic Books Unbound This is the newest and most current
