
Thomas Kinkade Yawkey Way painting

Thomas Kinkade Yawkey Way paintingThomas Kinkade Town Square paintingThomas Kinkade PARIS EIFFEL TOWER painting
and Hermann's death. Tacfarinas was the chief enemy. He was for a long time known as the "Laurel-giver" because three generals-my friend Furius, and Apronius, the father of Apronia, and a third, BIaesus, Sejanus's maternal uncle, had each in turn defeated him and been awarded triumphal ornaments. Blaesus, who scattered Tacfarmas's army and captured his brother, was given the unusual honour of being made a field-marshal, an honour reserved in general only for the Imperial family. Tiberius told the Senate mat he was glad to honour Blaesus in this way because of his kinship with his trusted friend Sejanus; and when, three years later, a fourth general, Dolabella, put a final end to the African War, which had broken out again with redoubled force,-by not only defeating Tacfarinas but killing him, Dolabella was granted only triumphal ornaments "lest the laurels of Blaesus, uncle of my trusted friend Sejanus, should thereby lose their lustre".
But I was talking of Tiberius's good deeds, not his weaknesses: and really, from the point of view of the Empire as a whole, he had been for the last twelve years a wise and just ruler. That nobody can deny. The canker in the core of the apple-if the metaphor may be forgiven-did not show on the
