
Jean Beraud Boulevard des capucines painting

Jean Beraud Boulevard des capucines paintingHenri Rousseau The Snake Charmer paintingHenri Rousseau The Sleeping Gypsy painting
phone at the same time, but all three at once isn’t going to work. Our ability to perform tasks adequately hits its maximum at two, and that’s an upper maximum at that.
Of course, we can’t just multi-task any two activities, or I’d be writing two articles right now.Levels of Concentration
There are two main types of task: those that require concentration, and those that can be done on autopilot.
As a rule, you can’t truly multi-task unless one of the two tasks at hand is one you do on autopilot, such as washing the dishes.
There are varying degrees of concentration requirement, too - listening to an audiobook while doing the dishes
