
Henri Rousseau The Repast of the Lion painting

Henri Rousseau The Repast of the Lion paintingHenri Rousseau The Orchard paintingHenri Rousseau The Merry Jesters painting
‘What do you mean by that, Cordelia?’
‘Well, you see, she was saintly but she wasn’t a saint. No one could really hate a saint, could they? They can’t really hate God either. When they want to hate him and his saints, they have to find something like themselves and pretend it’s God and hate that. I suppose you think that’s all bosh.’
‘I heard almost the same thing once before - from someone very different.’
‘Oh, I’m quite serious. I’ve thought about it a lot. It seems to explain poor mummy.’ Then this odd child tucked into her dinner with renewed relish. ‘First time I’ve ever been taken out to dinner alone at a restaurant,’ she said. Later: ‘When Julia heard they were selling Marchers she said: “Poor Cordelia. She won’t have her coming-out ball there after all.” It’s a thing we used to talk about - like my being her bridesmaid. That didn’t come off either. When
