
Paul Cezanne Still Life with Onions painting

Paul Cezanne Still Life with Onions paintingPaul Cezanne Poplar Trees paintingPaul Cezanne Mount Sainte Victoire painting
It’s quite usual, you know, when one’s friends marry. Just politeness.”
“You haven’t got some ghastly foreigners you stayed with abroad?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“Well, it all seems very odd to me. g a letter, I mean, and everything ...”
I rang off.
Lucy answered with a formal acceptance. I studied her. I had expected, I do not know why, a round girlish hand of the post-copper-plate era. Instead she wrote like a man. She used a fountain pen, I noticed; that was unusual in a girl.
Dear John,
Roger and I shall be delighted to lunch with you at the Ritz on Thursday week at 1.30.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy Simmonds.

Should it not have been “Yours ever” after the “Dear John”? I wondered whether she had wondered what to put. Another girl might have written “Yours” with a noncommittal squiggle, but her did not lend itself to that kind of evasion. I had ended my note, “Love to Roger.”

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Paul Cezanne Still Life with Onions painting