
Mary Cassatt Tea painting

Mary Cassatt Tea paintingEdward Hopper Gas paintingEdward Hopper Ground Swell painting
you'd of stepped up and asked me! Didn't I sock you one in the Living Room for saying she weren't no virgin? But it's no use her putting on airsnow, by golly: I've seen what I've saw!"
"And done what you did," Max would remind him.
Leonid then would shout "Irrelevanceness!" or "Dumbnicity!" and, seizing his new friend by the hair (if they were in a common cell) or shaking a cordial fist, would harangue him on his blindness to the real nature of Anastasia's virtues.
"Isthe GILES!" he would declare of her. "Excuse, George: you know what! Virgins bah! All this chastehood, all this niceship -- what's the word it is, Dr. Spielman, sir?"
"Schmata,"Max would offer, who had grown fond of Moishian terms since his detention."Dreck."
"I love!" Leonid then would roar, with reference equally to the words, his idol Max who supplied them, his grumbling and perhaps pinioned cellmate (who had given up exercise and vitamin-pills), and My Ladyship. "Never mind goodity!Pfui! Pfui!"
What he meant I can more easily paraphrase than reproduce in his idiom: to believe in Grand Tutors and Founders was against his curriculum, but he would

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Mary Cassatt Tea painting