
Jean-Leon Gerome paintings

Jean-Leon Gerome paintings
Lorenzo Lotto paintings
Louis Aston Knight paintings
confetion. He looked about him and saw the only possible way to escape was by most dangerous and wll nigh imposiple climb. But he saw that if he was to save his brother he must act and act quicly slowly raised himselfe to a stanidng possition then he felt above him and gripped the rock above slowly he puled himselfe up and then he found himselfe looking into a cave. He then remembered that it was a sumuggler’s cave that led to the old inn. He made his way up and opened the trap door which opened into the inn yard he pulled himselfe up and then began the race against time he rushed to the station just as the train was starting and leapt to the footboard of the engin “Would you like to earn a five pound note and save a man’s life” he cried The man looked amazed “Then reach Sherborough before ten” that was all. The driver opened the throttle of the engine and she sped forward into the night.

Nine o’clock struck and Ralfe paced his sell restlesly He put his hand to his hot head “could

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Jean-Leon Gerome paintings