
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres Venus Anadyomene painting

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres Venus Anadyomene paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Spirit of Spring paintingPeter Paul Rubens Woman with a Mirror painting
Readily I answeredYes, for the triple reasons that I'd fixed Tower Clock in position, that the passage of time was anyhow a flunkèd delusion, and that, Failure being Passage, my non-completion of the Assignment, last time or this, was not ultimately differentiable from its completion. But after a moment's further reflection I pressed the other button to change my answer, for on the loftiest view of all there was noI to complete the Assignment, as distinct from anAssignment to be completed, in the timeless, seamless University -- which University itself,et cetera. The same reasoning led me, not without trepidation despite my convictions, to pressNo at appearance of the epithetGILES SON OF WESCAC; for not only wereGILES andWESCAC distinctions as spurious asson andfather, but, viewed rightly (if after all through the finally false lenses of student reason), the eugenical specimen whereof I was the issue had been drawn as it were from all studentdom, whose scion therefore I was; WESCAC's role had been merely that of an inseminatory instrument, the tool of the student body. I braced myself to be EATen, and was not.

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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres Venus Anadyomene painting