
Camille Pissarro Still Life painting

Camille Pissarro Still Life paintingCamille Pissarro Morning Sunlight on the Snow paintingCamille Pissarro Bouquet Of Flowers painting
asked if the affairs on the wing sometimes resulted in children, and he said with indifference that of course they did. I pressed him a little about it, and he said that a baby was a great bother to a flying mother, so that as soon as it was weaned it was usually left "on the ground," as he put it, to be brought up by relatives. Sometimes the winged mother got so attached to the childjthat she grounded herself to look after it. He told me this with some disdain.
The children of fliers are no more likely to grow wings than other children. The phenomenon has no genetic factor but is a developmental pathology shared by all Gyr, which appears in less than one out of a thousand.
I think Ardiadia would not accept the word pathology.
I talked also with a nonflying winged Gyr, who let me record our conversation but asked that I not use his name. He is a member of a respectable law firm in a small city in Central Gy.
