
Bouguereau Evening Mood painting

Bouguereau Evening Mood painting
Bouguereau The Wave painting
Cabanel The Birth of Venus painting
Rivera The Flower Seller, 1942 painting
high above her head by her round and delicate arms, slender, fragile, airy as a wasp, with her gold-laced bodice closely moulded to her form, her bare shoulders, her gaily striped skirt swelling out round her, affording glimpses of her exquisitely shaped limbs, the dusky masses of her hair, her gleaming eyes, she seemed a creature of some other world.
“In very truth,” thought Gringoire, “it is a salamander —a nymph—’tis a goddess—a bacchante of Mount Mænalus!”
At this moment a tress of the “salamander’s” hair became uncoiled, and a piece of brass attached to it fell to the ground.
“Why, no,” said he, “’tis a gipsy!” and all illusion vanished.
She resumed her performance. Taking up two swords from the ground, she leaned the points against her forehead, and twisted them in one direction while she herself turned in another.
