
Jack Vettriano The Man in the Mirror

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of person always reserves for dwarfs.
It wasn't much fun being a student in Unseen University. You had to find your pleasures where you could. He grinned a big, wide, innocent grin.
'Why, yes,' he said. 'I do believe right at this moment he's in his workroom in the basement. But you have to be very careful how you?'
'We'll show you,' said the first student.
'That's so very kind.'
'Don't mention it. Only too glad to help.'
The three wizards led Glod down a flight of steps and into a tunnel. Light filtered down through the occasional pane of green glass set in the floor above. Every so often Glod heard a snigger behind address him.''Is that so?' said Glod.'Yes, you have to be sure to say, "Do you want a peanut, Mr Monkey?"' said the student wizard. He signalled a couple of his colleagues. 'That's so, isn't it? He has to say Mister Monkey.''Oh, yes indeedy,' said a student. 'Actually, if you don't want him to get annoyed it's best to be on the safe side and scratch under your arms. That puts him at his ease.''And go ugh‑ugh‑ugh,' said a third student. 'He likes that.''Well, thank you very much,' said Glod. 'Which way do I go


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He'd tried it out. It was easy to play. In fact, it was almost impossible to play badly. It didn't seem to matter how he touched the strings ‑ they still rang out the tune he had in mind. It was, in solid form, the kind of instrument you dream 'It's an ape.'
'This is Ankh‑Morpork. That's how things are here.' Glod removed his helmet and unfolded something from inside.
'Why've you got a string bag?' said Imp.
'Fruit's fruit. Waste not, want not. If they throw eggs, try to catch them.'
Imp slung the guitar's strap over his about when you first start to play ‑ the one you can play without learning. He remembered when he'd first picked up a harp and struck the strings, confidently expecting the kind of lambent tones the old men coaxed from them. He'd got a discord instead. But this was the instrument he'd dreamed of . . .'We'll stick to numbers everyone knows,' said the dwarf. "'The Wizard's Staff" and "Gathering Rhubarb". Stuff like that. People like songs they can snigger along to.'Imp looked down at the bar. It was filling up a bit now. But his attention was drawn to a large orang‑utan, which had pulled up its chair right in front of the stage and was holding a bag of fruit.'Gllod, there's an ape watching us.''Well?' said Glod, unfolding a string bag.


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more than usual. It's important.' Carrot turned a page. His lips moved silently as he read.
'Throwing stuff at me sounds like a breakdown in law and order,' said Nobby.
He was aware of their 'That's probably an angry mob right now,' said Nobby.
Carrot opened the door.
'It's not an angry mob,' he announced.
'It's an orang-utan carrying a stunned dwarf followed by a troll. But he is quite angry, if that's any help.'

Lady Ramkin's butler, Willikins, had filled him a big bath. Hahexpressions.'I don't think we could make that stick,' said Colon.'It stuck all right,' said Nobby, 'and some of it went down my shirt.''Why throw things at you?' said Angua.'It's 'cos I was a Watchman,' said Nobby. 'The dwarfs don't like the Watch 'cos of Mr Hammerhock, and the trolls don't like the Watch 'cos of Coalface being arrested, and people don't like the Watch 'cos of all these angry dwarfs and trolls around.'Someone thumped at the door.